Cloud Storage for iPhone (Mistakes and How to Keep Your Information Safe)

Today, cloud storage is tightly integrated into our computers and mobile devices, allowing us to synchronize more data to and from the cloud than ever before. However, cloud storage is not free from downsides. Over the years, many cloud storage users’ accounts were hacked and their details accessed.

Well, there’s always more to the story, but no matter the cause of the security breach, the result is often the same: Account owners lose their data, or their details get exposed.

Here, we’ve highlighted ways you can keep information stored in your iCloud safe by avoiding inevitable common mistakes. Read on to learn more.

Confirm if iCloud is Enabled

It’s crucial to know whether cloud storage is enabled in your iPhone and what information gets stored there. This way, you can identify the best ways to secure your data on iCloud.

Cloud Storage for iPhone (Mistakes and How to Keep Your Information Safe) Image

According to studies, nearly 66% of iPhone users know that iCloud features are turned on their devices. However, at the same time, 34% of users are not sure if they enable iCloud on their devices.

On the other hand, 15% of users do not know which data their iPhone automatically stores in the cloud storage.

Sadly, a small yet significant number of iPhone users are unaware that their phones connect to iCloud and backup data automatically.

It’s wise for every user to know what goes on iCloud. iPhone cloud storage automatically stores the user’s contacts, notes, pictures, calendars, messages, and more when enabled.

Anyway, all this boils down to whether you believe iCloud is secure and your responsibility as a user to keep your data safe. These options will influence the steps users will take toward securing their data on cloud storage.

A Strong Password is the Key

It’s common knowledge that a strong password should be long and include letters (both lower and uppercase), symbols, and numbers- but do you think those are really your best options?

That’s not necessarily the case! A complex, strong password can keep your iCloud data safe from hackers, but you might have a hard time creating it, leave alone memorizing it. So, what’s the need to have a complex password that can’t be cracked in 100 years, but you can’t remember it?

We recommend you opt for phrases that include things like “fluffy is puffy” or “this is awesome” since they’re more secure than complex passwords. What’s even better, forgetting such phrases is hard.

Even if you don’t like this password selection approach, try to keep it in mind. Furthermore, longer passwords are hard to hack, even if it doesn’t consist of strange characters.

Use 2-Step verification

Most people tend to forget that there are always two layers of security. The same applies to cloud storage, whether it’s Dropbox, iCloud, or Google drive.

The two-factor authentication options mean cloud storage users can set their accounts to request an authentication code besides a password. So, if your password gets compromised, the hacker will not access your data without the code- unless he steals your phone.

While it might seem like a simple action, the 2-step verification can save you a lot of trouble. So, if you haven’t turned on the two-factor authentication for your iCloud, do so.

Avoid Double-dipping

It’s no surprise that some individuals use the same password for multiple apps, services, and websites. Yes! It’s easy to forget a password, but that doesn’t mean you reuse your passwords.

Keep in mind if one of those websites gets hacked and your password gets compromised, all your other accounts using the same passcode are at risk. Someone can use the password to access your iCloud account and steal your private data. No one wants that, so stop being lazy and prevent this silly vulnerability by creating strong passwords.

Transfer Data Using Only Secure Wireless Networks

One of Apple’s basic measures is to encrypt all the data that iPhone users send to iCloud. However, pro hackers can easily negate this security measure. Therefore, it’s wise for users to adopt other security measures when transferring their data to cloud storage.

One simple step they can take is only transferring their data to iCloud via a secure wireless network. They should avoid accessing their iCloud data via public Wi-Fi in coffee shops and cafes since they’re hotspots for hackers.

Be Wary of Siri

Every iPhone and iCloud user should know all potential security threats and gaps that hackers and scammers can leverage.

Even if you’ve locked your device with a four-digit passcode, Siri can still complete actions via voice instructions. As a result, this intelligent personal assistant can be the key hackers need to access your data. Anyone can ask Siri questions, and she will return data, contacts, and other stored information.

Every iPhone user needs to be wary of Siri, particularly when setting up their device after purchase and storing sensitive data.

Link iCloud to your Current Accessible Email Account

Every cloud storage account depends heavily on the primary address of the users. When setting up your account, you’ll need to have a viable email address. Therefore, it’s important to link your iCloud with a current and accessible email account instead of an inactive one.

Most users tend to overlook this simple but vital detail. Keep in mind that idle email accounts are easy targets for cybercriminals. So update your primary email address every time.

Final Thoughts

iCloud is perhaps one of the most popular cloud storage in the World. However, over the years, it has made headlines for threatening security breaches. Therefore, users need to identify ways to keep their information safe and out of the hands of cybercriminals.

But if you fear that potential data leakage from the cloud storage will cause you more trouble keeping the service active. Then consider deleting your account and find new options. Otherwise, these few steps will help you secure your data on iCloud.

That’s all for now! Thank you for stopping by.
